Support the Energy You Would Like to connect with

I often compare crystals to music. They set a tone and create an energetic mood. Working with that metaphor is useful! Think about turning on your favorite party music. You don’t do that and then get under the covers, put your head under the pillow and then wonder why the music ‘isn’t working’ to make a party vibe! You do other things to support and connect with the energy of the music. You might dance, invite some friends over, serve food…you get the idea! So when you choose a crystal for a certain energy, think about the activities and thoughts you are using to support that energy.

When I work with clients I recommend crystals AND other supportive behaviors. Using essential oils, doing certain activities (like clearing the energy in your home), and even eating certain foods can help you connect with the energy you need/want to see in your life.

If you’re not sure where to start, or need some suggestions, I LOVE working with clients! You can read more abut booking a session with me by clicking here.

I wish you all the love and all the growth that will bring you to your highest purpose on this earth!

In friendship,


Cleansing your home and bringing crystals into your space is one way to shift your energy