Black Tourmaline vs Black Onyx

Black Tourmaline is excellent for protecting from EMFs, and from negative energies. It helps us with our energetic boundaries. It can also transform any negative energy we are producing (through worry, anxiety, dear) into usable energy. Visualize the energy of Black Tourmaline as a fortifying barrier around your energetic system, protecting you from negative energies.

Black Tourmaline is often considered a crystal healer’s favorite! It is a wonderful grounding crystal.

Black Onyx has so many wonderful grounding qualities! If you are feeling overwhelmed and frazzled, or have just come through a major transition, Black Onyx supports the Root Chakra and grounds your energy back into the earth. It will strengthen you by rebalancing your subtle body to the electromagnetic frequencies of the earth. 

Black Onyx is very protective and prevents your energy from being drained. Because of its protective qualities it is a good crystal for empaths.  If you feel physical drained and you need a support and a protective energy, Black Onyx is a great companion! My nickname for Black Onyx is ‘the bodyguard’.