Do your own crystal card reading

I love using crystal cards for inspiration, and. to get to know new crystals. Cards of all kinds have been used for centuries as a way for universal energy to make its way to us - the crystal cards sometimes deliver great information as well!

If you are drawn to working with cards but aren’t sure how to start, I encourage you to have confidence in your own intuition. Your interest in it is a sign from yourself that it is a tool for you! Pick a card deck that draws you in. Spend time with the cards. Flip through them, get to know their images. Many decks now come with little guidebooks. Read the book and decide if it has information that resonates with you, or if you will not want to use it as a reference. This is your practice, so you get to decide. Remember, this is FUN!

Then, clear the cards with your energy and intention. I suggest picking a box or bag, and specific location to keep your cards. Sometimes, I choose a specific crystal to keep with a certain deck and that crystal is with me every time I use that deck. Have a journal ready when you work with your cards.

Then focus on your question. I could be as simple as ‘what energy should I focus on today’. Shuffle your deck and choose three cards. What is the information telling you? Write it down and pick the card that speaks to you the most. Put it where you can see it for the day, and reflect back on the card throughout the day. Make notes of thoughts and observations you have.

If you give yourself a card reading each week, and make notes on what you learn, I promise you your intuition will grow! Also, remember to keep a spirit of lightness to your process. Intuition and creativity both flourish when there is a sense of fun.

I hope this is helpful! If you feel comfortable, please share your cards and what they mean to you with me - post your cards and what they mean to you on instagram and tag me - I’d love to share in your journey!

In Friendship,

Crystal Emelie

PS: My favorite crystal cards are The Healing Oracle Crystal Cards by Rachelle Charman. (Her newest version is available here).