Energy detox - tools for handling chrOnic stress

We are experiencing an intense combination: worrying about Covid-19, managing working from home, schooling from home, or loss of work, and for Americans right now, living in what feels like a destabilized nation. All of these stressors have been wreaking havoc on our ability to balance our energetic body. Managing stress is like anything else that takes skills and practice. Imagine you play basketball in your driveway with your 12 year old child every night. You can beat them easily, and you can play around and not work too hard. Then Michael Jordan shows up. Now you are like the 12 year old kid, losing every game while the other guy doesn’t break a sweat! Stress management is like this. Maybe your skills have been more than enough for your regular life. But now, your skills are not enough to beat the intense situation!

There is no shame in needing to skill build. It is what we all do all our lives, if we’re smart and not afraid to admit when we need to do it! I think saying, “I need to develop new skills and abilities for this situation,” is the hallmark of a wise person who is not ego-driven.

Have you ever been riding the waves and then the waves get bigger and suddenly you get tossed under? You pop your head back up but barely get a breath before the next wave knocks you under….and you have the moment where you think, “Oh my gosh, I might be in trouble here.” If that is how 2020 is making you feel, then you have a signal that you need to skill build your stress management techniques!

Here are my top 3 practices for detoxing your energetic body from stress:

1) Do a weekly systemic detox: take a salt bath to detox and cleanse your energetic body from clutter and stress. Be sure to drink lots of water after your bath.

2) Work with a crystal companion: add a stress-reducing crystal to your daily life. Notice what form your stress takes. Are you impatient with others? Try Howlite. Do you have a sense of being overloaded? Try Black Tourmaline. Are you panicked about the future? Check out Petrified Wood.

Clear the crystal you choose, and set your intention that the crystal will connect with your energy and support you as you reduce your stress. Make a practice of clearing the crystal and recommitting to your new stress management habits.

3) Meditate: take 5-10 minutes each day to sit quietly. Notice your breath. Visualize your energy as a warm green light that glows from your heart. Visualize that bubble of light growing until it surrounds your body. Say to yourself, “I live within the loving energy of my heart. Nothing can enter this space without my permission. I am taking good care of myself, and I treat myself with compassion and care.”

I wish you lots of ease, compassion, and love! If you need help developing specific practices, or selecting a crystal that is right for you, book an assessment with me - I love helping clients find ways to shift their energy!

In friendship,

Crystal Emelie