ACK!  I got a bit behind in writing about my crystals of the month!  Where did this spring go? Oh I know!  It was spent helping my 4 kids through ‘at home’ school, and my eldest through graduation…I think!  This has been an unprecedented time for all of us so you know what, I FORGIVE myself for not getting everything done exactly as I would have done ‘normally’.  And as for that idea, I think ‘normal’ is out the window anyway – it is the wild wild west of charting our own rhythms and life paths and that is a GOOD thing!  I hope you are all staying SAFE and healthy and also that I am inspiring you to MANAGE YOUR ENERGY and CLEAR YOUR ENERGY frequently as we all bump down this crazy unpaved road of life!  

moonstone mini


SO!  May was moonstone.  And I was SO happy that ended up being the case because for me moonstone is ‘mother’s hug’ and obviously this spring I could not give my mom a hug.  Moonstone makes seeing the big picture, and the huge rhythms and cycles of life feel more tangible, and our part in it feel more meaningful.  It connects us with the moon and her cycles, and helps us remember that even though the tide goes in and out each day, EVERY SINGLE changing of tide matters and is a crucial part of this unending cycle.  And so are we.  


Do you hear me?  Even when it seems like things are going crazy, every single rise of tide and ebb of tide matters to the whole cycle, and so do we.


If you need a daily dose of reminder and a sense of being connected with the maternal divine, then I highly recommend you spend some QT with moonstone <3


Love, and Light, and STAY SAFE,

Crystal Emelie  

Take Charge of Your Energy with Crystals

I was delighted when AwakenCHE asked me to write for their site about WHY I work with crystals. I hope you enjoy the article, “Take Charge With Crystals”!

Check it out on their site HERE, or read below.

Take Charge with Crystals

Imagine if every morning when you woke up, you had a clear sense of purpose, and lots of great ideas for the days, weeks, and months ahead?  What if you knew how you wanted to grow, and could clearly see things you were ready to release? What if you had a wide variety of skills and tools to help you when you got off track? Sounds awesome, right?

Well for me, that all came true after I became a Certified Crystal Therapy Practitioner. Though I had always been full of zest for life, and had a strong intuition, I wasn’t always able to be peaceful and have clarity as I mothered my 4 children. I wasn’t always able to keep a sense of balance when I navigated my larger family-life. And I often felt tense and off-kilter when my plans didn’t go as expected. I lacked patience when others had different styles and energies from my own. And I was extremely hard on myself - expecting something no one can give: perfection.

Learning about the chakra system and about how crystals can adjust our subtle bodies was life-changing for me.  

That is why I continue to talk about, teach about, and work with them! Once you realize that how you behave and feel reflects blockages or over-activity in your subtle body, you can then learn to adjust those things.  

And the most powerful tools I have found for doing that work are crystals. 

Supporting our energetic bodies is as critical to health and wellness as diet, sleep, exercise, and joy. We are living in a critical time. There is a GREAT awakening taking place. And there are also so many factors of modern life that work against us being clear, balanced, and led by intuition. 

One big thing I see in my practice is clients being completely ‘fritzed-out’, ‘fried’ or ‘overwhelmed’. This is often caused by the toxic overload of electrical energy in their energetic bodies. We evolved as human beings to walk on this earth barefoot which naturally grounds our electrical system and brings us into balance. But now, we walk on synthetic flooring, and synthetic shoes and are rarely grounded back into the earth. Coupled with the incredible overload of electrical equipment and EMFs bombarding our systems, we are blowing fuses in our energetic system left and right!  

Thankfully, crystals can also help! There are wonderful crystals like Black Tourmaline, Shungite (which also detoxes the system), and Lodestone which can quickly drain this overload. 

Take a moment, sink into your body, notice what you are feeling, and trust that your observations are important and powerful. If there is something you would like to shift or adjust so that you can live with a sensation of balance and purpose, look to crystals and their special relationship with the human energetic system!  

With love,


Purple cabbage sweet and sour soup - good for 3rd Eye support!

Today at the presentation at the AwakenCHE Expo, I talked about ways to open each of the 7 main chakras. For the third eye, eating purple cabbage is indicated. This soup is delicious AND has many added benefits to your gut health!

Sweet and Sour Purple Cabbage Soup

  • 1 medium yellow onion diced

  • 2 tbsp olive oil

  • 6 cups purple cabbage shredded

  • 1 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes

  • 4 cups chicken stock or vegetable stock

  • 2 packets of stevia (or 1/4 cup brown sugar)

  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

  • 2 tsp salt

  • 2 tbsp Worcester Sauce

  • 1/4 cup yellow raisins


  • Add onion and olive oil to a large soup pot and turn the heat to medium. Cook onions until they soften

  • Add shredded cabbage, diced tomatoes, chicken stock, stevia, vinegar, salt, and raisins and turn the heat down to medium-low.

  • Simmer for 45 minutes

Awaken Expo - Self Scoring Chakra Blockages

2020 Online Expo banner tall.JPG

Awaken Expo - this year online!

For more information about the expo click here!

It has been a pleasure be a part of the Awaken Expo! AwakenCHE is an amazing organization bringing together seekers, healers, meditators and manifestors.

Here is the information for those of you who participated in my presentation which included a self-scoring quiz about chakra blockages. If you weren’t able to be there but would like to take a chakra assessment and get personalized recommendations for you, you can do so here.

Chakra Blockage Questionnaire Recommendations

Root (1-4)

I am right here, right NOW

Gardening, garnet, Sandalwood, eat beets

Sacral (5-8)

I am Vitality, creativity

Carnelian, Swimming, Bergamot, eat melons

Solar Plexus (9-12)

I align my will with my Higher Self

Yellow Jasper, Learning something new, lemon, eating bread and pasta

Heart (13-16)

My nature is LOVE - to be loved, to give love

Green Aventurine, connect with others, Eucaluptus, eat spinach

Throat (17-20)

I speak my truth, I can listen to the truth of others

Sodalite, Singing or chanting, Chamomile, herbal tea - and no dairy

Third Eye (21-24)

I awaken my inner seeing, I trust my inner guidance

Amethyst, Stargazing, Frankincense, purple cabbage

Crown (25-28)

I open my soul to Universal Wisdom, I feel serenity and grace

Moonstone, meditaiton/prayer, Lavendar, eat grapes 

Clearing Crystals

Many crystals LOVE to be cleansed. It is best to get advice from someone knowledgable about crystals before cleansing your crystal companions so you don't damage them ( for example: some love rain, some would be ruined by rain).

When I have heaps of small crystals for use in crystal infusions, or landscaping and home blessing, I create what I call a sage double-boiler. No, I don't heat them! I put them in a sieve over a pile of smoky sage. They love it!

But my absolute favorite way to clear crystals is with sound. Place smaller crystals in a singing bowl. For larger crystals I take advantage of the best massive vibrations I know of - thunderstorms! I place crystals in an open window-sill during thunderstorms. My experience is that crystals love thunder. As a person who is sensitive to barometric pressure, I can relate. That first crack of thunder usually means relief from pressure.

If you have any questions about care and clearing of crystals, send me a message!



This is my sage ‘double-boiler’ for smaller crystals. These amethyst crystals are part of my front walk. I can’t think of a more loving way to welcome my visitors &lt;3

This is my sage ‘double-boiler’ for smaller crystals. These amethyst crystals are part of my front walk. I can’t think of a more loving way to welcome my visitors <3

Stock Tank - What We Ordered and 1st Steps


We ordered an 8 foot stock tank from Tractor Supplies. We could have ordered it from a closer location, but the one in Swedesboro, NJ had a tank in stock and we didn’t want to wait. So Chris rented a truck and went to pick it up. From our research, we couldn’t find a place that would deliver only one tank (three tank minimum delivery). The truck ended up costing around $60 to rent.


Next we put it into place and made decisions about how big of a gravel area we want around it. It is really important that the tank is level (I have read that if it isn’t, it can leak). So we dug out an area that will be gravel, and then marked the tank area and leveled that. Our next step will be using sand on the area before putting the tank in place. Then we will put filter paper and an edge down before we put the gravel in the new bed around the tank.


Here is what we ordered for the tank. I will post updates when we finish installation.

1) an 8 foot stock tank from Tractor Supply

2) a above ground pool pump and filter

3) a hole saw

4) seal tape

5) the valves

6) a pool test kit, chlorine tablets, shock, ph and alkalinity adjusters and chlorine floater from Barto Supplies


Stock Tank Pool

Ok so strictly speaking this isn’t really consistent with the theme of my website BUT deciding to add a stock tank pool to our property IS about thinking creatively about the energy of our household so I think it still works!


Stock tank ready for set-up!

More to come!

With the Covid-19 shutdown has come the cancellation of most of our usual summer activities. Some summers we are only home a week or two! So this summer we are looking at three months of being home. We did a handful of things to make this more fun. First, my husband built me some raised garden beds and we planted seeds. The kids are have helped with a bit of the weeding, and we all think the tiny plants peeking up are adorable.

Second, we grabbed one of the few remaining spots at a CSA. Since we are usually away so much, we haven’t done one in years! This CSA includes weekly veggies and monthly chicken shares. The kids will help us drive out to pick up the shares each week.

Finally, after lots of consideration and online research, we purchased a stock tank and plan to convert it into a swimming pool! Well, that may be an overstatement. We are turning it into a wading pool. I’m not sure you can really swim in a pool that is 8 feet around and 2 feet deep. If you haven’t heard of a stock tank pool, check out this recent article.

And check back soon for more blog posts about the development of the pool!

With love,


Crystal Therapy 101

Crystal Therapy is the use of crystals to impact a person’s energetic body (also known as subtle body). One of the fundamental principals that crystal therapy depends on is the energy = light = information. Every thing on the planet emits energy; developing skills to become aware of this energy is key to using it in to our benefit.

Like all things, the human energy system emits information. We also absorb information from everything around us. There are many ancient systems of understanding the useable aspects of the human body, including the chakra system.

mom chakra chart.jpeg

A skilled practitioner can assess your chakras and can use various tools and methods to balance your chakras. Chakras can be balanced through specific activities, by interacting with certain crystals, eating certain foods, applying specific essential oils, and listening to certain sounds. Each chakra resonates with a unique sound.

If you are inspired to explore crystals and their possible uses, check out these books:

The Book of Stones, by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian

Crystal Power, Crystal Healing, by Michael Geigner

Vibrational Medicine, by Richard Gerber, M.D.

Crystal Starter Kit

Crystal ‘Starter Kit’ 

 I’m so delighted that you are interested in starting to bring the wonderful supportive energy of crystals into your life! Here are some crystal recommendations to get you started!   

Rose Quartz - Gentle peace, self love, inner child  

Smoky Quartz - Grounding, clearing, deflect negativity  

Angelite - Connect with the Divine, meditate, peace  

Howlite - Patience, ease, calm  

Carnelian - Courage, passion, vitality  

Consider printing out a copy of a chakra map to get you started thinking about your subtle body, and how it functions. Here is a site I like for chakra information. 





Crystal Emelie 

Certified Crystal Therapy Practitioner 

5 things I learned during the PA Shutdown

We have been home since March 14th. We are a family of six - my husband, my senior daughter, my freshman daughter, my middle school son, and my second grade son, and myself. For each of us this situation has brought its own worries, and stresses. We have also each lost different things - my 9th grader lost a season of band, and a band trip to San Fran that she was saving up for all year. My middle schooler lost a spring of band and his technology gifted program. My second grader lost the part of his life that gave him a sense of autonomy, and his connection with his wonderful teacher. And for my senior…I can hardly write about it without tearing up. She will never walk the halls of her high school again. Never finish the art project she was working on. Never again greet all the teachers and acquaintances that comprise one’s life as a high schooler. She missed her prom, her last months of being in school with her long-time boyfriend. Graduation…all of it. Senior year is pretty special and for her it just vanished one day. And of course she has the looming question about whether or not she will actually be able to go to her chosen college in the fall. And all of us have worries about our safety, sadness about people losing their lives, and fears about the future.

But even as we deal with this crisis, we have to navigate our daily lives. There is food to cook, dogs to walk, schoolwork to complete, my husband is working from home full-time. At this 9 week mark, I’m looking back and taking stock of what I have learned as I have helped my family navigate this unprecedented situation.

These are the 5 things I learned during the shutdown in Pennsylvania. I hope this serves as an invitation for you to share with me your own reflections!

1) In case anyone had any doubt, family is the most important thing in the world.

Suddenly, the friendships we rely on for diversity in our interactions were cut off. We all had only each other to vent to, talk with, play with, and make plans with. It has been more important that ever that we have strong relationships with one another where we are enabled to be our whole, flawed selves.

2) Having a meaningful connection with people in your community keeps a terrifying situation from taking you down.

In my neighborhood, we all put a lot of effort into being connected with one another. We have a Facebook page where we plan events and activities (there has even been a weekly Zoom Quizzo!). We all stop and chat when we see each other outside. And we freely loan advice, a spare egg, some childcare in a pinch…this is a real community. Having that around us as we have been sheltering in place has kept us from feeling isolated and alone on the planet.

3) Using best practices for managing stress REALLY works.

The first few days of the outbreak I felt panicked. I kept thinking ‘I’m such an anxious person and I fear catastrophe every day - I can’t handle this!’ After a few days I realized I was repeating like a mantra something that wasn’t true and could also lead to a total freak-out! Instead I started reminding myself ‘As a person who has dealt with anxiety my whole life, I am uniquely qualified to handle this. I have a robust tool-kit for this situation.’ That helped me think creatively about how to support my kids and family through this, and also led me to prioritize some good stress management for myself. Exercise, drinking lots of water, spending time meditating with my favorite grounding and relaxing crystals, reorganizing our kitchen to make more space for family cooking, planting a new kitchen garden, journaling, and blending supportive essential blends which I diffuse in our shared spaces - all of these practices have helped me feel balanced and well..

4) A healthy family life leaves room for each person to have their own style of stress response.

When I am really stressed, I become snappish and short. When one of my kids is really stressed she talks very little, retreats, and stops doing anything she doesn’t want to do (even school work) Another will talk openly about their feelings and ask for ‘talk-therapy’ style support. Another just has a version of a temper tantrum. This situation has made me realize that I can’t expect the one who clams up to come to me. I have to check her homework and make sure it is getting done, and I have to find creative ways to get her to share with me, and to accept help. The one who cries and screams can’t be reprimanded for freaking out over small things - those freak-outs are requests for stress management help.

5) Finding ways to mark time as a family, and have fun together, has immeasurable rewards.

Each week I make an invitation for everyone to take-out dinner and a movie on Friday night. We pick a restaurant, eat together on paper plates (so we can skip the usual dinner clean up routine) and settle in for a family movie. I started it because I wanted to make sure we did something fun together. But it has also led to lots of fun conversations about movies, and which ones to watch. Our ages range from me, to my 18 year old, to my 8 year old so picking can be a challenge! Also, we have not been lost in what day is it?? was that even a weekend?? because we set aside Friday night in this way. We are Quakers so we have also been having Meeting for Worship on Sundays in our living room. It has been another way to connect and center as a family, and to take note of the passing weeks.


April was Rose Quartz Month <3

Are you familiar with rose quartz? I think it is one of the crystals most people are able to name on sight. The soft gentle pink hue is tell-tale and inviting. Spring is the perfect time to spend with rose quartz as its sweet color is reflected in the early spring blooming trees. It was also timely because we are all shut-down here in Pennsylvania with a shelter in place order from our Governor. So the gentle self-care energy of rose quartz has been a lovely companion.

Unlike green aventurine that was nudging me to get up and go (much to my annoyance), rose quartz reminded me that what I am and what I am doing IS ENOUGH. It reminded me that feeling lovable is a human birthright that we all should allow ourselves to pursue. If you don’t feel acceptable or lovable as you are, know that it is your right to get to a place where you do feel those things. That is the gentle and forgiving energy of the rose quartz.

I wish you a happy spring and I invite you to join me as I am spending time with the incredible moonstone in the month of May.




Not every crystal is right for every moment!

So….march was my month of getting to know green aventurine. I was especially excited about this because my eldest daughter, Sophie, has always loved green aventurine. But boy oh boy, it felt discordant to me! I have done a lot of reading about it to try to figure this out - it is meant to resonate with the heart chakra, to inspire creativity and new ideas, and to be an excellent comforter. As I mentioned in my earlier post, it is a great crystal for spring as it represents the newness of regrowth. It wasn’t until I got to one sentence from one of my favorite crystal healers, Naisha Ahsian, that I started to realize what I may have been reacting to, “It engenders body activity and movement…and helps to correct lethargy and depletion.” I think the energy that I was feeling from spending time with the green aventurine started to feel like it wouldn’t let me rest! Every time I sat down to ‘chill’ it would give me a nudge. Lets be honest, thats kind of annoying! Looking back on my month with green aventurine I learned a lot about it - and about myself. It would be the perfect crystal to wear during a busy week where you want to stay balanced and calm AND keep moving! I ended up taking it off at certain times of day, and at least two hours before bedtime. So, if you need a little extra help to get up and go, and to keep moving, green aventurine would be a great companion.

Covid-19 - top 6 ways to get better SLEEP in times of stress

I have heard from so many people that getting good, quality sleep is a challenge right now! Here are my top 6 recommendations to better sleep in times of stress:

1) Pick a calming crystal to wear everyday, all day. I like Botswana Agate and find it as effective as CBD oil. There are other great calming crystals like howlite, chrysoprase, and amethyst. Pick one and let it support you all day.

2) Do a DAILY detox of energy especially EMFs. We are all in our homes using devices to stay connected. This coupled with staying in a space with the same people day after day can cause an energetic overload on our systems! Do something each day to detox like: take a bath in sea salt, drink green tea, walk barefoot outside, meditate with a grounding crystal (hematite, shungite, smoky quartz), sit by a salt lamp.

3) NO SCROLLING IN BED! You know what I’m talking about - ban the cell phone from your bed - and all other devices too. Read, relax, write in a journal…use your bed as a time when your brain can get a break from taking in lots of information.

4) Diffuse restful oils in your bedroom. Use all the systems your body has to help you get into a good state for restful sleep. Aromatherpy is a wonderful way to tap into the power of your brain. My favorite bedroom combo is 2 drops lavender, one drop cedar wood.

5) Bathe before bed. Taking a warm shower or bath before bed can help transition your energy. Set up your room before your bathe - put your journal by your bed, or your favorite book, put a mug of green tea on your bedside table, lower the lights, and get your aromatherapy going. Then return from the shower or bath to a spa-like setting, ready for snoozing.

6) Use a crystal as a sleep aid. If your sleep challenges include waking up and not being able to go back to sleep, place chrysoprase under your pillow. If instead your mind races and you can’t get to sleep, place a pice of amethyst by your bedside and hold a piece of selenite for a few minutes when you first get into bed. For more recommendations on specific crystals for your situation, please send me a message!

March - Green Aventurine

I was sad to move on from my month of Amethyst! Did you ever play Tetris too many times and then have Tetris thoughts or dreams? Like you are non-sensically visualizing how things will fit together? Well Amethyst did that for me with hearts. Everything I touched and did felt like hearts - silly fluffy love-filled Valetine’s hearts all month long! My husband’s hand in mine felt like two hearts, my head on my pillow felt like it left a heart-shaped impression, and my puppy in my lap felt like a heart. It was so sweet and lovey. I learned SO much about amethyst’s ability to resolve energetic blockages and open compassion. It was a wonderful feeling and I encourage anyone who feels jammed up to bring amethyst into their daily life!

But now that March has begun, and the weather has shifted, Green Aventurine is a fun new companion! I look forward to writing about how this month goes but so far I have noticed that Green Aventurine nudges me to get up and GO!

Join me this month and let me know how it goes!



This is my Green Aventurine companion this month - and my curious puppy, who is my companion every day!!

This is my Green Aventurine companion this month - and my curious puppy, who is my companion every day!!

February - Amethyst

Have you ever had a long-time friend you really though you knew and then something happens and you learn some new amazing thing about them? And gratitude and love grows….that is what is happening with me and amethyst this month. I have always recommended amethyst as a master healer, a coordinator of all the subtle body energies, and perfect house crystal. But WOW working closely with amethyst this month has brought my appreciation to a new level. Amethyst helps drain blockages and dark spots from the energetic body. Old clung-to ideas can be released without suffering. And, amethyst is a wonderful meditation companion. This month I have noticed a lot more ease and pause in my meditation practice.

Some crystals require us to work to keep up, other provide us rest. Amethyst is a combination of both - while it does’t shake you up (the way pietercite or moldavite does), there is a lot of movement and change when working closely with amethyst.

Below you can see my pair of amethyst bracelets I’ve been wearing - and am wearing as I type this post!

Are you giving amethyst some attention this month? Let me know how it goes!




Agate - my cbd replacement

I have had anxiety for most of my life. It is a thrumming feeling that things are about to go very awry. Over the past few years I have had relief from anxiety with CBD oil. I use it twice daily when the anxiety is high. Then, when it ebbs, I slow down or stop the usage. January was my month of agate and I ended up spending the most time with Botswana Agate. I wrote once for another site that Botswana Agate is like a low bass drum creating a central deep rhythm for the energetic body. Well WOW - spending so much time with it this month in an intentional way resulted for me in a noticeable decrease in anxiety! It took until the end of the month when I stopped working with it and switched to amethyst (more about that in another post) for me to really connect with the impact it was having on me.

I would NEVER tell someone to stop any medication or prescription of any kind without consulting their care team/providers. AND, if you suffer from anxiety I would recommend working with Botswana Agate and observing what happens!

February is AMETHYST - join in spending time with this crystal and share your experience with me! All those who do will be entered to win a stretch crystal bracelet!

With love,


January - Starting with agate

This is the month of Agate for me. Boy there are a lot of agate options! Botswana Agate - like a deep bass drum coordinating your body’s energy…Blue Lace Agate - calming to the soul and mind like cloud gazing on a clear lovely day…Banded Agate - coordinating the energetic body and detoxing especially the torso…Orange Banded Agate - stimulating the emotions, removing suppressed limits, inspiring creativity…and so many more!

In his book, Twelve Essential Healing Crystals (the book which inspired this year of crystals), Michael Gienger writes, “Agate makes the whole abdomen fit for the tasks it has to undertake, in terms of both digestion and metabolism.” What a great match for January - the season of a renewed commitment to healthy eating! Of course, the physical reflects the mental. Agate also, “promotes emotional stability and psychological balance, literally helping us to digest properly those things that are upsetting us internally!”

I am very lucky because I literally have a little crystal shop in my office. But I actually didn’t need to pull anything out of my stock for this month of agate - it turns out that some of my favorite items over the years have been agate! I honestly never noticed that agate already had such a place in my energetic life.



So this month, my particular focus in the agate family will be orange banded agate - I have a cherished ring which is literally carved of the crystal. It is both cheering and balancing.



I also am bringing my two pieces of blue lace agate to my weekly meditation gatherings. Have you chosen a piece of agate to connect with this month?

Everyone who shares his or her experiences with the crystal of the month will be entered into a drawing for a free crystal bracelet at the end of each month. Post here, or on my facebook page:

Also, if you need help locating or choosing a specific piece, send me a message and I’ll lend a hand!

In friendship,

Crystal Emelie

Word of the year 2020

I’ve written in the past about my practice of choosing a word of the year. Have you tried this? Each year I select a word to focus on - I get a small charm or ring with the word on it and wear it all year. Especially when things are challenging, I consider the word and its meaning. So far my words have been: practice, lightness, create, ease, and uplift. This year my word Is HEART. The heart is the center of the energetic body - it is also the center of our feeling body. Did you know the electromagnetic field of the human heart is 65 times larger than that of the human brain? We sense and feel the world with our hearts. Sinking our attention down from our head and into our hearts allows us to react to the world with more authenticity. And, for me, remembering that my heart is also a muscle that likes exercise is a good thing! If you pick a word this year, I would love to hear about it!

With heart,
