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About Me


Everything I do is supported by these three basic principles: 
1) we are each here to live our own journey to the best of our ability 
2) we are able to connect to the beauty of the Universe when we are energetically balanced 
3) our greatest asset is our own energy 


Crystal Emelie in the media


“You are not alone” Podcast with SPiritual Medium Erika Gabriel

I absolutely loved being a special guest on this podcast with Spiritual Medium Erika Gabriel, who is also my little sister. Check out our episode as we talk about everything from sisterhoods, to a crystal starter kit to…stigmata?!


Awaken CHE Blog

Awaken Center for Human Evolution is a wonderful place to find healers in your area. I loved being a part of their expo, and writing about my experience with crystals for their blog.


Parents MAgazine

Having this opportunity to bring the power of crystals to a wider audience was awesome! Read the article here, to learn about which crystals are especially good when you have small children!


FAQ Answered


Crystal Therapy 101

This is my quick snapshot on how and why crystals work to help us manage, change, and enhance our energy!


Crystals for kids

Want to use crystals as you parent your children? Check out this article in Parents Magazine for my top recommendations


Crystal Starter Kit

I am so glad you are ready to start bringing crystals into your everyday life! Here are the crystals I suggest you use to begin.